Monday 10 March 2014

Valedictory Speech for 2012/2013 Graduating Students

I want to thank God first and foremost for this great opportunity to address another set of graduating students of this distinct Department. I suggest we celebrate this day in self-effacing retrospect for all who started this journey, but are not here today to share in this joy. You will agree with me that March, 10th 2014, is not an ordinary day, as it will remain in our memories for a long time. Today, I want you to carefully remember and acknowledge the people you met, the lessons learned, the tears shed, the laughter relished, and the memories made in your over four years journey as a student of the Department  of Accounting, University of Jos. 

It actually seems like yesterday, when you first reported to school as new arrivals! Been privileged to serve as your first level coordinator I remember vividly how most of you looked back then. Am however proud today to say we have been able to pattern and nurture you into full grown graduates who are capable of taking their career to the next level. Perhaps I need to remind you that your exit from one system signifies your entry to another. As you start another phase of your life today, please endeavour to first of all forgive yourself of all mistakes you made on campus, and absolve every other person of any offence meted against you while in school. You cannot tell, this may just be the last opportunity some of us may have together. Hence, seek genuine forgiveness from those you have hurt- as I have always said- before you leave this campus please “settle all debts, mend all the hearts you broke (if possible) and leave as a free fellow”. The last impression your course mates and lecturers have about you will stick with you for the rest of your life, except you are privileged to have another chance to undo it.

Lecturers are not necessarily people with the best of brains, but the mere privileged few with the task of triggering behavioural change in people. Hence to say I was perfect in all my decisions for the period you spent with us will be grossly incorrect! I will sincerely crave your indulgence as well, if any of my decisions was unpleasant to you, but you can be sure of one thing- it was genuinely done for the good of the system.
For your journey ahead, continue with all the positive values you have learnt from us while on campus. Develop the never-give-up spirit, be positive minded and never lose focus of your dream. Be hopeful for the best, while prepared to face the worst- champions are crowned for the challenges they win and the ones they elude.

The downside of my speech today, is that twelve months or more from now you will all be ready for the labour market. However, only about 40% or less of you, going by our national statistics will eventually be employed. Others will have to look for disadvantages in our society and turn them into opportunities to earn a living. A few more will need to horn their God-given talents- which has no correlation with their certificate to earn a living. Wherever, your lot falls don’t be agitated, because you will still rise to the top if you faint not.
We may by our schooling system have labelled you wrongly by the class of degree you will eventually earn, but you have the right to prove the school system wrong! If by our ‘not-completely-perfect’ assessment you are classified as a third class or even something worse you can prove to the world that the schooling system did not assess all the potentials within you by making ingenuous and first class contributions to the society. As Ralph Waldo Emerson affirms “do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail”. The entire world seeks persons with distinct skills; you must not go by our benchmark, you are licensed after today to set distinct and higher standards for yourself. Steve Jobs a distinction himself has this to say “your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice; and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Please never allow the world’s definition of what is possible keep you from achieving your dream! After all, strange dreams (like Joseph’s) are difficult to believe at first. Do not only dream big, dream luxuriously! Do not only reach for the mountaintop, reach for the stars. Remember, it is safer to dig your well before you are thirsty!

Fellow colleagues- as you will be referred to in few weeks from now! As you climb the success ladder choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice; identify not only with the powerful, but with the powerless; if you retain the ability to imagine yourself into the lives of those who do not have your advantages, then it will not only be your families who will celebrate your existence, but thousands and millions of people whose reality you have helped change.
In the coming days, commit to more learning by reading books that will help widen your horizon- you can begin with “Mastering Your Destiny by Chuks Maduadi”. In addition seek mentorship from persons you are convinced have verifiable track records. Let Integrity, Honesty, Selflessness and hard work be your drivers.

Remember to contribute to your Department and University when it is financially well with you. Cherish your classmates and carry each other along for as long as you can. Respect and honour people you meet in life, you can’t be sure who you will need next. Permit me to share in closing the same words I shared with your predecessors last session; as affirmed by Williams Shakespeare “Parting is such a sweet sorrow”; it is sweet because I know you must go for the greater tasks ahead and a sorrow because I will surely miss every moment we shared together.

I pray, the Lord keep you in perfect health and peace. May He cause His favour to SHINE upon you and bless the works of your hands. Till we meet again in other facets of life remain good ambassadors of our great Department.
God bless you!
God bless the Department of Accounting!!
God bless University of Jos!!!and
 God bless our great country!
Thank you

Olayinka Moses