Monday 15 October 2012



Sunday 14th October, 2012

Speaker:         Deacon Olayinka Moses
Texts:             Rom 12:11, Phil. 3:10

Fulfilling your purpose will require passion “which is a strong extravagant fondness of desire, zeal, fervency or enthusiasm for something”. 'Purpose' has to do with our head – thinking right about why we are here and understanding our calling. 'Passion' has to do with our heart – the internal fire that motivates us and energizes us to fulfill our purpose and do God's will. God is the source of spiritual passion. The Holy Spirit comes to ignite us with holy fire. It is important to note that passion cab be positive or negative. Whatever has power to propel good thoughts can also ignite bad ideas if not tamed.

In the world we live in, natural passion is often a key to success and impact. Knowing information is valuable, but possessing the fire is invaluable. Nothing major in history was ever accomplished without zeal. It is the deciding difference between successful and unsuccessful people in every field of endeavour. The fire on the inside affects everything on the outside.
According to William Ward "Enthusiasm and persistence can make an average person superior; indifference and lethargy (Laziness) can make a superior person average." Joe Campbell agreeing on that acknowledged that only “Passion will move men beyond themselves, beyond their shortcomings and beyond their failures”.

Permit me to sum up the following highlights: 

Passion is not something that is static or that stays the same. A fire either spreads or burns out. The tendency of fire, if left by itself, is to go out. Passion works the same way. We need to work and build it.
I.                    Self-satisfaction or contentment
II.                 Challenging life events
III.               Bad company
IV.              Familiarity
God knows the moment we lose our passion or zeal, we lose vision and perspective. Satan knows this too, and there is nothing he likes better than an apathetic Christian. Guard the flame within you. This zeal of God is a consuming fire within you; you need to guard it ferociously, realizing it is the enemy's target. 

i.                    Pray for passion and ask God to put his fire within you again. Jesus desires to baptize us with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Matt.3:11-12).
ii.                 Return to your 'first love' (Rev.2:4-5).
iii.               Activate your spiritual gifts (1 Tim.4:14-16)
iv.               Stir up the flame of passion within you (2 Tim.1:6-7).
v.                 Associate with the right people (Heb.10:24-25).
vi.               Desire to know more of God (Phil. 3:10).

Understand your purpose and then ask God to fill you with passion to pursue it. Focus your passion on fulfilling your purpose. Passionately love God, love people, change and grow, serve and reach out. 

Passionate Christianity is about living with a sense of urgency and passion. It's living with a vision and a dream to give our lives to a kingdom to spend our life on; the God of heaven and earth to pursue and know intimately. Remember God works through passionate people!

a.      Where would you place your sense of spiritual passion right now? Is it growing, diminishing or about the same as it has been for a while?
b.      Make a list of five specific things you can do to increase your spiritual passion.

1.      Pray that you will hear God's call afresh in your life.
2.      Ask the Lord to renew your sense of purpose and mission.
3.      Oh God I need fresh Fire!

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