Tuesday 23 October 2012



Delivered on Wednesday, 24th October, 2012 by

Olayinka Moses

Beginning today you will no longer need to wake up in a rush for lectures as has been the practice in the past four years or so. However, something you must do for yourself is to assume responsibility without being coerced or threatened to. You must seek the best for yourself and your immediate society through discipline, hard work and commitment. Use all your experiences from the University (i.e. the good, the bad and the ugly) to make yourself a better person.

You are all special fellows in your right. Seek to be your own version of perfection, learn from people but never become any other person than your original self.  One thing I will like to share with you today is the fact that life’s journey is not sometimes as smooth as we plan it. Some of you particularly the least expected ones may turn out the stars of the class, others with hard work, commitment and dedication may have shaky start, but in all don’t be perturbed you can only be late but you will surely get there. Remember Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts in issues of life.

Set your priorities right from today. If you want to work in a particular place begin to dream and prepare yourself for it as avowed by Goethe “Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."Discipline yourself in the area of finance, avarice and lust. These three are the world most popular “killer of dreams”. You may need to make new friends from now- which is normal but be sure who you choose as a company. Make learning a continuous attitude; even if we keep you here for another four years we will still not be able to teach everything thing. The enchantment is for you to continue to improve on your intellectual prowess using what you have learned from us as a platform.

I want to sincerely appreciate God for the opportunity He afforded us to meet each other in our life time. Again, I must say that teaching your class these past years have indeed been a pleasure; one memory I will keep and cherish for long is that “Saturday we all went out for jogging”. I thank you all for your support to me and other lectures while you studied here. I pray you find same and even better help in all facets of your life. If I pretend that I got all my decisions right while working with you; I will be grossly wrong. Permit me to humbly seek your sincere exculpation if you considered any act of mine to have hurt you, but believe me it was all done out of a good motive.

Please remember your University and contribute to it when it is financially well with you. Cherish your classmates and carry each other along for as long as you can. Respect people you meet in this life, you can’t be sure who you will need next. Till we meet again in other facets of life remain good ambassadors of our great Department. As affirmed by Williams Shakespeare “Parting is such a sweet sorrow”; its sweet because I know you must go for the greater mission ahead and a sorrow because I will miss every moment we spent together.

Finally, I pray our Good Lord keep you in perfect health and peace. May He cause his favour to be upon you and bless the works of your hands.

God bless you!
God bless the Department of Accounting, University of Jos!!
And God bless our great country!
Thank you


  1. Can't forget this day. still fresh in my memory. I miss my mate. tribute to the fallen- AKOJI WILLIAMS and FEMI MAKINJUOLA. Thanks sir for this. Its a print in the rock of time. We CELEBRATE YOU SIR. CHEERS!

  2. It's almost four years now. Reading these words bring back good memories. Many thanks Sir.
