Wednesday 1 January 2014


Wednesday 1st January 2014
New Year Day! 

Every first day of the year begins with the traditional New Year Resolution for most people. The challenge has never been the choice of the resolutions to make for the year but will to keep them throughout the year. In the remaining days of 2014 you can sustain your planned change by simply developing the will to alter and modify the attitudes you considered as counterproductive to your success in 2013. 

Change can be very difficult yet inevitable. To avoid the change necessary for growth and success is to accept the consequences that comes with repeating your past errors.

Steps to the new Change
i.                    Identify the attitudes, lifestyle and practices that did not deliver your desired results in 2013;
ii.                  Specifically list persons, places and situations that cause or are responsible for the items listed in (i) above;
iii.                For each negative vice/element identified in (i) above make a direct positive replacement;
iv.                Consciously begin the change today by attempting to practice all the positive values listed in (iii) above and
v.                  Don’t try to pretend about it seek help both spiritual and otherwise where you need one.

Thought for Today

Refusing to change in 2014 what failed for you in 2013 is an admission to last year’s results!

Happy New! 
Begin the Change Now!

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