Thursday 2 January 2014


Thursday 2nd January 2014  

To really sustain new values, one must wittingly unlearn negative habits to acquire new ones; just as we need to gracefully unfriend some fellows for the new life we wish to live.

If you take stock of your acquaintances, you may like me sample a few who have over stayed their welcome! I don’t mean to belittle anyone by this; but the good book asks in rhetoric “if two can walk together without agreement?” Emphatic no, will be the obvious answer!

Hence carefully seek to know who and whose company you need in 2014. No self-deception here-a person can only add value or deduct it from you.

Knowing who you need this year
I may not know who you need in specific, but I can help you identify those you do not need! Use the checklist below to provide the answer yourself:
i.                    Your top 3 partners in all mischief and regretful acts;
ii.                  Those folks whose company encourage your depravity;
iii.                Persons who hurt you at ease or without remorse;
iv.                Those who do not share in your vision and dreams
v.                  Those who remind you of your errors and failures in life!

Thought for Today
The gain of holding on one more year to a failing company is equivalent to a two year loss!

This may just be the day to delete some phone numbers and erase some memories!

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